Maciej & Kris, our pricing duo, have tackled the biggest rookie pricing page mistakes that could cost you a substantial Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR). 👀
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Maciej and Kris took on a challenge — who won the bet and listed more pricing page mistakes? They present straightforward tricks that can boost your conversion rates and enhance your SaaS pricing strategies.
In today's episode, you'll discover not only easy-to-implement pricing page strategies but also UX techniques. 🖥️
What can you expect in this episode?
1. What are the most frequent pricing page mistakes found on SaaS pricing pages?
2. The power of 'magic numbers' in shaping your pricing strategy.
3. Why it's crucial to carefully price your product, especially for a global market.
4. Should you display the yearly or monthly plan first on your pricing page?
5. A simple UX trick on the pricing page that can elevate your MRR.
6. Why the 'good-better-best' pricing strategy might not always be the best choice.
7. Exploring Slack as a role model for a pricing page, focusing on the value proposition.
8. Best practices for presenting discounts.
9. What's the optimal level of offering discounts?
🎁 Bonus: What should a well-made pricing page look like? Check out how our Survicate client did it!