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What is Dynamic Pricing? Let's Explore the Topic!

Maciej Wilczyński
Managing Partner, Founder Valueships
December 20, 2023

There are many opinions surrounding dynamic pricing. The concept offers a unique perspective on pricing strategies, can give you many benefits, and… has some moral concerns.

One thing, however, must be acknowledged: it is an intriguing topic that has been increasingly discussed lately. 

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Understanding Dynamic Pricing Strategy

Dynamic pricing (also referred to as demand pricing, surge pricing, or time-based pricing strategy) is a flexible approach to setting prices that considers various factors such as customer demand, time of purchase, and market conditions. This strategy allows businesses to adjust prices in real-time or on a predetermined schedule based on the demand intensity.

The key advantage of dynamic pricing is its ability to maximize revenue and profits by capitalizing on times when customers are willing to pay more. It also offers lower prices to boost sales during slower periods.


It all sounds really cool, but don’t rush. To successfully implement a dynamic pricing structure, companies must learn about many fields, including customer perceptions.

Considerations of Dynamic Pricing

While dynamic pricing offers significant advantages, it requires a thoughtful approach; balancing data-driven decision-making with ethical considerations and customer perceptions.

So, if you are interested in dynamic prices, here are important thoughts to keep in mind:

  • Employing this pricing model requires a deep understanding of: the market, competitors, and consumers. Firms need to base their dynamic pricing strategy on data. This involves analyzing factors like buying trends, client preferences, and market demand. Then pricing strategy will be in line with actual market conditions and customer expectations.
  • A key issue is the potential for price discrimination. This happens when different customers are charged different prices for the same product or service, not based on cost differences but rather on varying willingness to pay. This may be a legitimate business strategy, but it should be approached carefully to avoid legal and moral problems.
  • Dynamic pricing methods allow for charging a higher price during peak demand, sure, but this must be handled sensitively. Today's customers are aware of pricing strategies and may react negatively if they perceive pricing as unfair or exploitative. Thus, it’s essential to balance profitability with fairness and transparency.

Dynamic Pricing: Real-Life Examples

Dynamic pricing has applications in various areas, but we will focus on three of them today: Retail, Software Development, and Saas.

Dynamic Pricing in Retail

Dynamic pricing in the retail industry is a widely observed phenomenon, particularly in the era of online shopping. Here retailers adjust their prices based on factors like demand, competitor pricing, and time of the year.

Example: during significant sales events like Black Friday or Cyber Monday, prices can fluctuate - even hourly - in response to competitor activities and consumer demand.

Benefits: maximizing profits by capitalizing on high-demand periods and clearing out inventory during slower times.

Challenges: setting too high prices won't pay off, as potential customers will feel exploited or discriminated against and leave for the competition.

Dynamic Pricing in the Custom Software Development Industry

In the Custom Software Development industry, companies often adjust the prices of their products and services based on factors like usage, customer type, and even the geographic location of the user.

Example: a business may offer different pricing tiers based on the features or support levels a customer opts for, or offer promotional pricing to new customers.

Benefits: increased flexibility, the ability to quickly respond to market changes, and the potential to reach a wider range of customers through varied pricing structures.

Challenges: the complexity of managing these variable pricing structures and the risk of alienating customers who may perceive pricing changes as strange.

Dynamic Pricing in SaaS

The Software as a Service sector also exemplifies the implementation of dynamic pricing strategies. SaaS companies often use usage-based pricing models, where the cost to the customer scales with the level of service or the number of users.

Example: a SaaS provider might offer Basic, Professional, and Enterprise tiers, each with different feature sets and pricing. Also, many SaaS employ dynamic pricing based on the longevity of subscription commitments. Longer commitments might be incentivized with lower monthly rates, while shorter-term users might pay a premium. 

Benefits: the model not only caters to a diverse customer base but also allows for upselling as customer needs grow. It encourages longer-term engagements and provides more predictable revenue streams for the firm.

Challenges: pricing models need to be easy to understand. Overly complicated or opaque pricing can deter potential customers and lead to churn.

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Dynamic Pricing Best Practices

A successful dynamic pricing strategy involves careful preparation and the inclusion of many elements, like market analysis, technological support, customer-centric approaches, and continuous adaptation. But not only.

Let's examine all best practices related to this pricing method.

#1 Understand Market Demand

First and foremost, before you implement dynamic pricing, understand the market. This pricing is based on the principle of supply and demand, so you need to be aware of how these forces interact in your sector. This means keeping an eye on competitor pricing and current market demands.

For example: if demand for hotel rooms in a city spikes due to a major event, your prices can adjust accordingly.

#2 Use the Right Dynamic Pricing Software

Choosing the right dynamic pricing software is also key - especially for those who have never dealt with dynamic pricing before. This software should be able to analyze vast amounts of data, from competitor-based pricing to trends, and make accurate price adjustments in real-time.

Tip: the dynamic pricing engine you choose should be robust, flexible, and integrate seamlessly with your existing systems.

#3 Set Clear Pricing Rules

What's more, establish clear rules that guide dynamic pricing strategies. These rules also should be based on research and reliable factors, like competitor prices, cost plus pricing, and price elasticity of your products.

Why it's crucial: it will let you find the balance between maximizing revenue and maintaining customer satisfaction.

#4 Leverage Time

Time-based pricing is a form of dynamic pricing where prices vary depending on the time of purchase. This is particularly effective in the airline and hotel industry. So, if pricing based on demand doesn't always seem like a good idea to you, why not try pricing based on time? Give it a try because that way, you will see how your target audience reacts to such strategies.

For instance: airline ticket prices might be cheaper if booked months in advance compared to last-minute bookings.

#5 Segmented Pricing for Different Customers

And what about setting different dynamic pricing strategies for specific groups of customers? You know, not all customers are willing to pay the same price for a product or service, so it makes sense to tailor your pricing plans to their behavior.

Look at this scenario: online shoppers might see different prices based on their browsing history.

#6 Monitor Competitor Pricing Regularly

Keeping an eye on competitors' pricing strategies is essential too. Imagine that if your competitors lower their prices, you might need to adjust yours, too, to stay competitive. Similarly, if they raise prices, it could provide an opportunity to do the same with your offering without risking losing customers - after all, they won't find a cheaper offer somewhere else.

Conclusion: observing the competition and adjusting quickly will allow you to adapt to market demands and not risk losing customers.

#7 Adjust Prices Sensibly

However, keep a healthy mind when adjusting prices and be sensible. Frequent and significant price changes can confuse and frustrate customers, who finally will get fed up with the uncertainty and leave your group of satisfied customers.

The goal is: to use dynamic pricing tools to make gradual and logical adjustments that customers can understand and accept.

#8 Focus on Customer Satisfaction

Yes, dynamic pricing aims to maximize revenue, but it doesn't mean you can lose sight of customer satisfaction. If customers feel they're being unfairly charged higher prices, it can lead to dissatisfaction and loss of business.

Tip: ask yourself a question - Is your dynamic pricing fair? Is the pricing transparent? Would you buy something from your offering if you were a client?

#9 Analyze and Adapt

Dynamic pricing is not a set-and-forget strategy. Thus, you need to regularly analyze the outcomes of your pricing adjustments. Use dynamic pricing algorithms to understand customer behavior, sales trends, and the overall effectiveness of your pricing strategy. This will allow you to improve.

Why it matters: based on this analysis, you can adapt your strategy and check if it continues to meet your business goals.

#10 Educate Your Team and Customers

Finally, be sure your team understands how dynamic pricing works and why it's being used. Similarly, educate customers about the benefits of dynamic pricing, like why you lower prices during off-peak times. Thanks to this, you make them understand and appreciate this pricing method.

The benefits of this approach: this transparency can contribute to the trust and encourage customers to make purchases at times that benefit both them and your business.

If not Dynamic Pricing, then What?

To use dynamic pricing, or not to use, that is the question.

If you are not sure about the answer, there are several other pricing strategies worth checking out. Each of these alternatives has its own set of advantages and is suitable for different businesses.

Here they are:

#1 Value-Based Pricing

This strategy focuses on setting prices based primarily on the perceived or estimated value of a product or service to the customer, rather than on the cost of production or market demand. 

It's customer-centric and involves understanding how much a customer believes a product is worth and pricing it accordingly.

For example, luxury brands often use this approach, charging premium prices that reflect the perceived value of their products in terms of quality, brand prestige, and customer experience.

#2 Cost-Plus Pricing

This is one of the simplest pricing strategies, where a fixed percentage is added as a markup to the cost of producing a product. This method is straightforward and ensures that all costs are covered, and a profit is made. 

It's commonly used in industries where costs are relatively stable and predictable, like manufacturing.

For instance, a furniture manufacturer might calculate the total cost of producing a chair, including materials, labor, and overhead, and then add a standard markup to determine the sale price.

#3 Competition-Based Pricing

In this approach, prices are set based on competitor prices and market standards. Businesses using this strategy often price their products slightly lower, slightly higher, or at the same level as their competitors. 

The price choice depends on their market positioning and brand strategy.

For example, a new coffee shop might set its prices slightly lower than the established coffee shops in the area to attract customers. The key advantage is staying competitive in the market, but it requires constant market monitoring.

Build Pricing Strategies with Valueships

Are you interested in a dynamic pricing strategy but don't know where to start?

Are you looking for help with proper product pricing but don't know the first thing about it?

Or maybe you just prefer to outsource this work to a specialist and are looking for the best partner?

Either way, this is where Valueships comes in - with all its experience and expertise.

In Valueships, we can assist businesses in implementing dynamic pricing by providing research, analysis, and the best strategies. We will also inform you about all potential pitfalls so that you have a full preview of the strategy you are interested in. Moreover, we can offer other approaches and tactics to effectively manage and optimize pricing in response to market demands.

At Valueships, we don't make empty promises. If we say we can help you, we do.

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Final Thoughts

Dynamic pricing represents a sophisticated approach to pricing that, when executed thoughtfully, can drive significant business growth and customer satisfaction. However, it requires planning, a delicate balance of data-driven strategy, market understanding, and focus on the customer.

And you can use this method in your company and benefit from it. Trust Valueships as your partner, and let us help you. Then, you'll bypass the dangers of inadequate pricing.

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Maciej Wilczyński
Managing Partner, Founder Valueships

Expert in B2B pricing, monetization and value-based selling strategies. Over the past year, he has completed over 40 consulting projects in Europe. Prior to founding Valueships, he worked at McKinsey & Company, mainly in the TelCo, software, and banking industries. He completed his doctorate in pricing in SaaS start-ups at the University of Economics in Wrocław, where he also lectures.

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Maciej Wilczyński
Managing Partner, Founder Valueships

Expert in B2B pricing, monetization and value-based selling strategies. Over the past year, he has completed over 40 consulting projects in Europe. Prior to founding Valueships, he worked at McKinsey & Company, mainly in the TelCo, software, and banking industries. He completed his doctorate in pricing in SaaS start-ups at the University of Economics in Wrocław, where he also lectures.