Check our newest report - State of Nordic SaaS Pricing 2024
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The State of Nordic SaaS Pricing 2024

Here, you have the largest overview of the Nordic SaaS Businesses. We joined forces with SaaSiest – one of the leading B2B SaaS communities, and scanned over 1500 companies and 1700 pricing pages.

Our analytics team went page after page to assess their pricing, fundamental value metrics, geolocalizations strategy, packaging, and overall market positioning.

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From the report, you will learn more about:
Pricing strategies of Nordic B2B SaaS companies.
Insights from analyzing 1700 pricing pages that you can use when determining your pricing strategy.
How many plans should you have on your pricing page?
You will gain a detailed analysis of price lists, plans, currencies, add-ons, plan durations, and user-based pricing.
You will increase your knowledge regarding the industries served by Nordic SaaS companies, their employee count, and potential areas for development.
Moreover, it provides many insights that can serve as a foundation for formulating your new pricing strategy hypotheses.

Meet our extraordinary experts!

4. Frida Ahrenby, Chief Marketing Officer, Rillion
9. Liza Collin, Product Director, Visma
10. Robin Daniels, Chief Business Officer, LMS365
11. Kristoffer Cedfors, Commercial Excellence Director, Verdane
12. Krzysztof Szyszkiewicz, Head of Delivery, Partner, Valueships
13. Maciej Wilczyński, PhD, Managing Partner, Founder, Valueships

Take a sneak peek at what you find inside the report:

SaaSiest is a community-driven initiative run by Thomas Sjöberg and Daniel Nackovski with the purpose of facilitating dialogue and knowledge exchange to help European B2B SaaS professionals and companies reach their full potential.

See the success stories of our Clients!

How a Dutch TelCo Disruptor Revolutionized SaaS Pricing and Boosted MRR by 50%

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30% increased MRR for SON (System Obsługi Najmu)

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How we helped Centrum Respo grow by 60% and surpass the most optimistic prediction

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From pricing advice to strategic consulting. How did we advise Brand24 to boost ARPU by 41%

From pricing advice to strategic consulting. Look what we did with Brand24.

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How have we redefined the go-to-market strategy of $40M logistics player, Apaczka, through segmentation research?

We gathered potential clients' feedback and created new and successful go-to-market strategy.

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