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LTV Calculation Formula: A Detailed Guide

Maciej Wilczyński
Managing Partner, Founder Valueships
July 16, 2023

If you want to drive growth and maximize profitability, you need to know how to calculate some essential metrics. That's why we are here. 

Today, you will understand the importance of Customer Lifetime Value (LTV). 

For any business, particularly in the competitive SaaS industry, knowing the lifetime value of a customer is critical. Therefore, we will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of LTV and its relevance. You will learn, among others, what LTV is, why it’s important, how to calculate it, and the factors that influence LTV in a SaaS business.

So, are you ready to improve your SaaS company's performance and get the highest LTV?

What is LTV?

Searching the internet, you may come across different definitions. Some see it as an abbreviation for loan-to-value ratio, which is commonly used in the financial industry (particularly in the context of mortgage loans or home equity). It represents the percentage of the loan amount compared to the appraised value of your home or another property.

We will, however, focus on a different meaning of this acronym, namely the Lifetime Value per customer. 

In business, especially in marketing and analytics, LTV refers to the anticipated revenue a customer will generate over their entire relationship with a company. It’s a crucial metric for many businesses to evaluate the profitability of their clients.

There is a way to calculate LTV, and we will show it to you in a moment.

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Why is Understanding Customer Lifetime Value Important?

The single customer lifetime value is significant, and you need to understand this metric so you can increase it in the future. Why? Because the higher the LTV, the better. 

Understanding LTV will help you, for example:

🛒 Optimize Sales and Marketing Efforts

Understanding the lifetime value of a client helps businesses make strategic decisions to optimize marketing efforts. Moreover, businesses can allocate their resources more efficiently. For example, they can identify a number of segments that have a low LTV and focus their marketing efforts on acquiring more business prospects from those segments. 

This targeted approach can lead to better conversion rates and higher returns on investment in marketing campaigns. Due to this reason, measuring LTV is an important part of the process.

🦸🏻‍♂️ Improve Customer Support

LTV provides information on client support and experiences as well. A higher customer LTV indicates that clients have a longer lifespan with the company. This provides an opportunity to build stronger relationships and enhance the experience. 

If a business offer personalized support, tailored recommendations, and proactive communication, it can increase client satisfaction and loyalty, leading to higher retention rates and high LTV.

💰 Maximize Long-Term Profitability

LTV calculation can also lead to maximizing profitability in the long run. It’s directly linked to the revenue per person over the entire customer relationship with the business. This not only boosts immediate profitability but also ensures sustainable growth and profitability in the long run.

Thanks to understanding and actively managing LTV, companies can implement strategies to increase the average transaction value, encourage repeat purchases, and cross-sell or upsell additional products. 

🛍️ Drive Loyalty

Satisfied customers with a long history with the company can recommend it to others. As a result, with providing exceptional value and experiences, you can turn your customers into loyal advocates who will stay with you and spread the positive word.

The organic form of marketing not only acquires a customer with a higher likelihood of becoming long-term purchasers but also reduces customer acquisition costs, further improving the overall LTV.

Customer Lifetime Value Calculation Formula

It’s finally time to learn how to calculate the lifetime value of a customer. LTV isn't complicated - the model is as follows:

Customer Lifetime Value = Customer Value x Average Customer Lifespan

The LTV formula takes into account factors such as:

👉 Customer Value - refers to the total value of purchases multiplied by the average number of purchases. This represents the total value a client generates during their relationship with the business.

👉 Customer Lifespan - the average length of time a client stays engaged with the business, typically measured in months or years.

Thanks to this model, you can determine the expected revenue per customer that will be generated over their lifecycle. This calculation provides valuable insights into the profitability of acquiring and retaining customers.

❗NOTE: customer lifetime value formula may vary for different organizations, depending on the specific business model and industry. Some firms may consider additional factors such as retention rate, profit margin, or discount rate in their calculations.

Increase Customer Lifetime Value: Factors Influencing LTV

Like you probably guess, there are some factors that can influence a customer’s lifetime value. 

#1 Low Churn Rate

Keep these two metrics in mind, as the longer people stay with your business, the higher their lifetime value is. Just thanks to reducing customer churn rate and increasing retention by implementing strategies, such as personalized offers and exceptional service, you can improve the entire lifetime value. 

Keep this in mind: it's easier and more cost-effective to retain an existing client than to acquire a new customer. 

#2 Repeat Purchases

Loyal customers who make repeat purchases contribute significantly to the lifetime value. If people have a positive experience and develop a strong connection with your brand, they are more likely to continue buying from you over time.

Therefore, if you want to encourage clients to continue buying from your business, boosting their LTV, you better bet on:

  • building strong relationships, 
  • providing exceptional customer experiences,
  • and offering incentives for loyalty.

Keep this in mind: loyal customer provides much value to your business - they not only bring in revenue but also becomes fans and always choose your services over others.

#3 Cross-Selling and Upselling

You can capitalize on the existing customer base by identifying cross-selling and upselling opportunities. If you try offering additional products or premium services that align with their needs, you would increase the average customer lifetime value. It's like turning a solo coffee order into a triple-shot caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream!

Keep this in mind: thanks to the right cross-selling and upselling, you can get many benefits - entice users to spend more with your brand, increase average order value, etc.

#4 Word-of-Mouth

The power of referrals and positive word-of-mouth cannot be underestimated. Thrilled consumers can become brand advocates and bring in new audiences through their good references. Utilizing the power of customer endorsements can have a significant impact, as trust and recommendations can lead to an influx of new clients.

Keep this in mind: referral programs and actively encouraging users to share their positive experiences can create a powerful network effect and further improve your customer lifetime value.

The relationship between the lifetime value and the success of your business is not to be underestimated. That's why you need to focus on retention, loyalty, cross-selling, and word-of-mouth, so you can improve the LTV and ensure a steady cash flow and caffeinated success!

Tips on Leveraging LTV for SaaS Companies Growth

▶️ Use LTV Data in Real Life

This metric can be used to drive data-driven business decisions in many areas. For example, analyzing it enables you to prioritize investments and develop strategies aligned with the profitability of your customer base. In almost every aspect of business, from product development to customer acquisition to expansion, LTV can be helpful.

You can also allocate marketing and sales budgets more effectively. Knowing the value of the ratio allows you to determine how much you are willing to spend to acquire new customers and retain existing ones. 

It's also possible to identify the high-value customer segments that contribute most to revenue and profitability. Therefore, you will be able to tailor this to your marketing efforts, product offerings, and customer service. 

That's not all, because as you understand the characteristics and behaviors of your most valuable customers, you can create targeted campaigns and personalized experiences.

▶️ Continuously Monitor and Optimize

It's also crucial to continuously monitor and optimize the factors that contribute to LTV. This involves tracking customer behavior: average purchase value, the number of purchases, and customer lifespan. Based on this data, you can optimize your efforts and improve the average value that each customer generates.

Keeping a close eye on customer engagement and purchase patterns can help you identify many threats and opportunities. This may involve implementing pricing strategies, upselling or cross-selling relevant products or features, and personalizing offers based on customer preferences. Aside from that, tracking customer satisfaction and addressing any concerns promptly can help ensure that the customer remains loyal.

Regularly analyzing customer retention rates and implementing strategies to reduce churn is another vital aspect. This may include providing exceptional support, delivering regular value through product updates or enhancements, and nurturing customer relationships.

The good news is that monitoring and optimizing these factors continuously can enhance LTV and provide many, many other benefits.

Improve your Customer LTV with Valueships

If you want to let professionals handle this measure for you, you need to meet Valueships.

In a wide range of industries, Valueships evaluates and optimizes business models, strategies, pricing, monetization, customer experience, and marketing strategies. With a range of comprehensive services tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses, we can offer valuable strategies and insights. 

Our services - including value selling, pricing and strategy consulting, advanced analytics, and research - let businesses maximize the potential of their customer base while acquiring new prospects.

As we believe in an innovative approach and client-centric focus, Valueships can be a trusted partner for every business seeking to optimize their customer relationships and increase overall revenue. 

You can contact us, and we will do our best to help you with your LTV.

Calculate LTV and Understand this Metic Once and for All

It’s not difficult to calculate customer lifetime value, and you definitely should do this, as it’s a crucial aspect of every business strategy. Apart from gaining many insights into the long-term customer's value, retention rates, and optimizing marketing and sales efforts, you can better understand your audience and increase their satisfaction. 

Whenever you need specialists to do this job, you can trust Valueships. With our help and experience, you will be able to increase customer lifetime value and see real results.


#1 What is customer lifetime value?

Customer lifetime value (LTV) refers to the anticipated revenue that a customer will generate over their entire relationship with a business. It is a metric that helps businesses evaluate the profitability of customer acquisition and retention.

#2 What is the importance of understanding the LTV of customers?

Understanding LTV is important because it allows businesses to optimize sales and marketing efforts, improve customer support and experiences, maximize long-term profitability, and drive customer loyalty.

#3 How is LTV calculated?

LTV is calculated using the formula: Customer Value x Average Customer Lifespan. Customer value is determined by the average purchase value multiplied by the average number of purchases. The customer lifespan refers to the average length of time a customer stays engaged with the business.

#4 How can customer retention and churn rate affect lifetime value?

Customer churn rates and retention rates can contribute to a higher LTV. Also, retaining existing customers is more cost-effective than acquiring new customers. Therefore, strategies such as personalized offers and exceptional customer service can improve LTV as well.

#5 How can I leverage customer lifetime value for business growth?

You can leverage this metric by making informed business decisions based on LTV. Continuously monitoring and optimizing LTV factors is also crucial for driving growth.

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Maciej Wilczyński
Managing Partner, Founder Valueships

Expert in B2B pricing, monetization and value-based selling strategies. Over the past year, he has completed over 40 consulting projects in Europe. Prior to founding Valueships, he worked at McKinsey & Company, mainly in the TelCo, software, and banking industries. He completed his doctorate in pricing in SaaS start-ups at the University of Economics in Wrocław, where he also lectures.

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Maciej Wilczyński
Managing Partner, Founder Valueships

Expert in B2B pricing, monetization and value-based selling strategies. Over the past year, he has completed over 40 consulting projects in Europe. Prior to founding Valueships, he worked at McKinsey & Company, mainly in the TelCo, software, and banking industries. He completed his doctorate in pricing in SaaS start-ups at the University of Economics in Wrocław, where he also lectures.